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1 July - 31 December 2010
27 February - 2 March 2012

Program overview
Discrete and Computational Geometry arose as a new field within the past twenty-five years, through an amalgamation of the old field of discrete geometry and the nascent field of computational geometry. It is now a very active area of research, on the interface between pure mathematics and theoretical computer science, which is devoted to understanding the structure and complexity of discrete geometric structures as well as the design and analysis of geometric algorithms for their manipulation. Key examples of the objects studied are arrangements (of lines, curves, and their higher-dimensional analogues), polytopes and polyhedra, tilings, packings and coverings, oriented matroids, simplicial complexes, geometric graphs, transversals to families of convex sets, Voronoi diagrams, etc.
Discrete and Computational Geometry bears strong relations to well-established mathematical areas
such as algebra (e.g., toric varieties, symmetry groups, real algebraic geometry), topology (e.g., combinatorial manifolds, realization spaces), probability theory (e.g., randomization techniques, geometric probability), and combinatorics (e.g., extremal graph and hypergraph theory). These relations give Discrete and Computational Geometry the solid footing to serve as the language and mathematical foundation for attacking problems in many applied fields. Examples include mathematical programming (relations between the efficiency of linear and integer programming algorithms and the structure of high-dimensional polyhedra), geographic information systems (geometric data structures to identify nearest neighbors, contour line extraction, range searching, and map overlays of massive data sets), solid modeling (optimal triangulations and good quality meshes), crystallography (lattices, tilings and discrete periodic structures), and computational biology (alpha-shape methods in the prediction of protein structure and function). On the other hand, classical problems such as Keplers conjecture and Hilberts third problem, as well as classical works by mathematicians such as Minkowski, Steinitz, Hadwiger, and Erdős can be considered part of the heritage of the area.
The goal is to bring together a mix of senior and junior colleagues to advance research in the field. Several fields in mathematics make intensive use of discrete geometric objects and methods either as tools or as important special cases of their theory. We aim to foster interaction between researchers in these rather diverse fields, to discuss recent progress and to communicate new results. We would like to put an emphasis on the exchange of ideas, approaches, and techniques between various areas of Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science and on the identification of new tools from other disciplines which can be used to solve geometric problems. The program is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, by EPFL, and by the Chair of Combinatorial Geometry. Applications are welcome (see below).
Program activities
Most of the activities will take place at the Bernoulli Interdisciplinary Center, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) between the end of August and the end of December 2010. To register to any of the first two events, visit the individual webpages.
Throughout the program, there will be regular weekly seminars, special workshops, and lecture series at the Bernoulli Institute. Full and partial support for long-term participants is available, and those interested are encouraged to fill out an online application at the bottom of this page. Support for individual workshops will also be available, and may be applied for through the online application for each workshop. We are especially interested in applicants who are interested in becoming core participants and participating in most of the activities between September 1 and December 31, but also give consideration to applications for shorter periods. Funding for participants is available at all academic levels, though recent PhD's, graduate students, and researchers in the early stages of their career are especially encouraged to apply.
Bernoulli lectures
The lectures will be held in room CM 4 (click here to see the map)
September 23, Thursday, 5:15-6:15pm, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University and NYU),
Sharing joints, in moderation: A new bridge between algebraic and combinatorial geometry
- October 21, Thursday, 5:15-6:15pm, Imre Barany (Renyi Institute and University College London), Equipartitioning measures and functions by k-fans
- November 18, Thursday, 5:15-6:15pm, Gil Kalai (Hebrew University and Yale University), Polytopes, linear programming, the Hirsch conjecture, and open mathematical collaboration
- December 9, Thursday, 5:15-6:15pm, Miklos Laczkovich (Eotvos University and University College London), Tilings with similar or congruent pieces
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact janos.pach@epfl.ch, Christiane De Paola .
Scientific organizing committee
János Pach, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Emo Welzl, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.
Links to Main Events
Bernoulli Conference on Discrete & Computational Geometry
Writing Course
Conference on Geometric Graph Theory
Culminating Workshop
Program and Slides
Bernoulli Lectures
Other Interesting Links
Bernoulli Center
Discrete & Computational Geometry
Chair of Combinatorial Geometry (DCG)
Mathematics and Computer Science at EPFL
Confirmed visitors
Ackerman, Eyal
Agarwal, Pankaj K.
Aichholzer, Oswin
Akopyan, Arseniy
Aronov, Boris
Avis, David
Barany, Imre
Barvinok, Alexander
Bezdek, Andras
Bezdek, Karoly
Blanvillain, Christian
Brass, Peter
Buddle, Mandy
Bukh, Boris
Chazelle, Bernard
Cheilaris, Panagiotis
Chudnovsky, Maria
Cibulka, Jozef
De Zeeuw, Frank
Di Battista, Giuseppe
Ding, Ren
Dulieu, Muriel
Dumitrescu, Adrian
Edelsbrunner, Herbert
Eisenbrand, Friedrich
Eppstein, David
Ezra, Esther
Fejes Toth, Gabor
Felsner, Stefan
Foniok, Jan
Frati, Fabrizio
Fukuda, Komei
Fulek, Radoslav
Furedi, Zoltan
Garber, Alexei
Gartner, Bernd
Glazyrin, Alexey
Guibas, Leonidas
Hajnal, Andras
Heinze, Joachim
Holmsen, Andreas
Hubard, Alfredo
Kalai, Gil
Karolyi, Gyula
Keszegh, Balazs
Kiraly, Zoltan
Koelsch, Hans
Komjath, Peter
Kupavskii, Andrei
Kyncl, Jan
Laczkovich, Miklos
Linial, Nati
Liotta, Giuseppe
Makai, Endre
Matousek, Jiri
Meszaros, Viola
Mohar, Bojan
Montejano, Luis
Moric, Filip
Mustafa, Nabil
Mueller, Tobias
Nesetril, Jaroslav
Nitzan, Noa
Nivasch, Gabriel
Noy, Marc
Pach, Janos
Palvolgyi, Domotor
Payne, Michael
Pelsmajer, Michael
Perles, Micha
Pilaud, Vincent
Pinchasi, Rom
Pocchiola, Michel
Pollack, Richard
Pritchard, David
Raigorodskii, Andrei
Ray, Saurabh
Rivera-Campo, Eduardo
Roldan Pensado, Edgardo
Rosta, Vera
Rote, Günter
Rothvoss, Thomas
Rubin, Natan
Ruiz Vargas, Andres
Saeedi, Noushin
Safernova, Zuzana
Salazar, Gelasio
Santos Leal, Francisco
Schaefer, Marcus
Schwartz, Ryan
Seidel, Raimund
Seymour, Paul
Sharir Micha
Sheffer, Adam
Simonovits, Miklos
Smorodinsky, Shakhar
Solymosi, Jozsef
Stefankovic, Daniel
Stolar, Rudolf
Suk, Andrew H.
Szemeredi, Endre
Tardos, Gabor
Toth, Csaba
Toth, Géza
Urrutia, Jorge
Valtr, Pavel
Wagner, Uli
Welzl, Emo
Werner, Daniel
Wood, David R.
Ziegler, Günter